Positive Impact Living Newsletter Mailing List
Welcome to the Positive Impact Living Network. You have signed up for The P.I.L.L.S Pages, the monthly newsletter of the P.I.L.L.S site.
This newsletter provides you with real practical ways to make beneficial changes in the world. It shows you easy solutions, that rather than costing you, can earn you money and make you feel ALIVE. This is the whole purpose of the P.I.L.L.S pages.
Every little thing that we do can have an enriching effect in our lives, it just depends which way we look at it. Hopefully, The P.I.L.L.S Pages will be a gentle and beautiful reminder every month to be a little kinder to ourselves and the earth. Thank you for joining.
If you think you can write an article suitable for this site, please contact me birthright@ecologyfund.com subject 'Article submission' with your suggestion and I will add a link for you once you've sent your article with a short bio about yourself and your own link URL. I am also happy to swop links; if you send me the link URL where you have posted my site link http:viewsfrommytent.blogspot.com to the above email subject 'PILLS Link Swop', then I will add you to my Links. Thank you
Louise Brookes
If you should wish to unsubscribe at any time, you can do so by emailing 'pills-unsubscribe' to birthright@ecologyfund.com